Thank you for today Betsy. I’ve had many readings and this by far was the most special. You have a beautiful gift and are full of grace. Thank you again, and I’ll be sending those dear to me your way.
—Justine, CaliforniaBetsy is an incredibly intuitive and sensitive medium. I have deceased relatives lining up to communicate with me because she is so adept at tuning in. She is also a gifted channel for bringing through insights, information, and guidance from guides and angels that initiates and supports personal transformation and healing. In working with Betsy, I have heard from beloved relatives that have communicated things only they would know, and I have also experienced total positive shifts in relationships and problems solved because of the information that has come through my guides. I could go on and on... I cannot recommend her highly enough!
—Martha, Virginia
Betsy is an incredibly gifted intuitive and healer. She has helped me in many different areas of my life. Her connection with the Divine is so unique and she always leaves me feeling supported, healed and ready to take the next steps. Her messages and images come through so beautifully and flow effortlessly together. Betsy has helped me navigate through situations where I was having difficulty seeing where I needed to heal, change my perspective, or try a different approach. She has cleared limiting beliefs and given me useful tools to keep me aligned in my energy to continue on my soul's path. I am incredibly grateful to this special soul for helping guide me throughout my journey.
—Megan, Toronto
Betsy is an extraordinary clairvoyant. Honestly with all my years of going to people for help, she has been more helpful in a single session than anybody! She tunes into her guides immediately to reveal truths with uncanny accuracy and fun loving humor. None of my questions were left unanswered, and the richly layered symbols and beautiful visual metaphors woven through the reading have really stayed with me. Sitting with Betsy, I felt as though I was spending time in the realm where angels fly. Even after my session with Betsy and her guides, I continued to receive helpful signs and messages. With great love and respect, I recommend Betsy as an intuitive of the highest order.
—Carrie, Virginia
Betsy provided such valuable insight into both of my horses. She not only confirmed personality traits and preferences of both mares, but had individual health tips, including Echinacea for Lymes disease which has helped my 4 year old heal! Thank you, Betsy!
—Emily, Virginia
Dear Betsy,
This has been so life changing. My daughter across the veil left quite a bread crumb for me when she led me to you! That was an amazing session. I can't tell you how much my view of the reality has changed as a result of meeting you. I have the deepest gratitude. If you ever decide to mentor others, please let me know. I would be the first to sign up.
It must be amazing for you to be able to help people in deep grief realize their loved ones still exist. This has saved me from what likely would have been years wasted in depression. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Much love, until next time,
—Lisa, Montana
I am so grateful that Betsy has shared her beautiful gift with me! My reading with her gave me profound insight that helped me spiritually, emotionally and professionally. Amongst other things, Betsy brought through a close relative of mine from the other side and what he wished to share in great detail, helped me understand how to best support a friend, and uncovered the underlying cause and solution for my dog who was sick. He has been well ever since! Betsy is a warm, kind soul that radiates love and is such a pleasure to talk to.
—Melissa, Virginia
I want to thank you again for the wonderful reading you gave me. As you know, I am a medium as well, and I sit in a circle every week. I don’t get a lot of messages there, and some are better than others, and yours was, by far, way above what I’m used to.
My cousin George committed suicide almost 2 years ago, and I had been hoping to hear from him ever since. I was pretty baffled, and was hoping to get some information to help clear things up. Once or twice when mediums had asked if there was anyone I wanted to hear from, I mentioned him, but no one ever really connected with him.
Without my mentioning him, you, on the other hand, had him loud and clear! I now understand more his reasons for taking his own life, as well as why he felt that way. The most comforting and healing part of your reading was regarding what he is doing now on the other side, and that made so much sense to me.
—Lesley, Massachusetts
Betsy is Betsy--artfully amazing. Before working with Betsy, I had heard “Oh, she is good!” What an understatement! You can feel her true love, joy and light when working with her. Betsy has the amazing ability to bring insights that not only resonate, but she does so with compassion, understanding and fun. Betsy follows up with joy in separate conversations that lets you know she truly cares for your well-being.
—Aimee, Michigan
I absolutely loved my session with Betsy. I received wonderful insight regarding my business and children. Her connection with spirit is so beautiful. I felt so connected to my great grandfather, it brought me to tears. Not only did she know his relationship to me, side of the family, and first name, she also described his personality perfectly and recalled some special memories. I am so grateful for the connection. Thank you, Thank you!!
—Jessica, California
Whenever I connect with Betsy, I come out of our time together feeling fresh and light and magical. She has the most beautiful imagery in her heavenly messages that I just feel my own life could be and is a fairytale. It is so comforting to feel that way about life with all of its twists and turns. Everything somehow becomes so lighthearted and safe.
Her direct access to the Divine is simply unparalleled by any other spiritual healer I’ve met - and I’ve met a lot! Not only does she shed light on all the confusion but she gives pure, unbiased guidance and healing as well! I feel so blessed to have Betsy in my life as a guide! So much love for this bright angel!! If only we could capture her light and spread it all around the earth!
—Tara, Pennsylvania
I was given a gift to have a session with Betsy as my daughter had transitioned (birthday on Sept 3rd), and I was dreading the day. I had never had a session with a medium before, but Betsy got me in on Sept 2nd, as I was wanting to do this before Maya's 28th birthday. This was the third birthday since she transitioned, and I had had a really hard time with the last two, so I thought this might help. I can honestly say that it changed everything about the day. I had to keep reminding myself that Betsy didn't know anything about me or my daughter as so much that was coming through Betsy was spot on. I sat in twenty plant medicine ceremonies after Maya transitioned, and she showed me so much of where she was and many pictures. When Betsy was communicating with Maya, she showed so many of the same things that Maya had shown me during those ceremonies. Betsy could never have known of this—I hadn't even shared most of it with anyone. My daughter's birthday was magical this time, with so much peace and feeling her presence with me. I am a grief coach and would recommend Betsy to my clients and anyone else considering consulting with a medium. She also has a beautiful energy with a gentle spirit and comforting presence. Thank you, Betsy, for doing this incredible work.
—Alison Magellan, California
Betsy delivered beautiful messages that helped me gain the clarity I was seeking in many areas of my life. Her guidance helped me to see what steps I needed to take to further my journey. I felt genuinely lighter and more connected after my session with Betsy. She was able to shine a light on my gifts so that I could see them more closely. I am grateful for her wisdom, kindness, and warmth.
—Jenny, Canada
Betsy. I literally am still in awe of the enlightenment you bestowed on me today. It was like fast tracking years of therapy! It felt so spot on about everything and so timely. I can't thank you enough for your non-judgmental kindness and patience. You make the guidance so appealing and approachable. I am taking the wisdom and light and truly planning to put it into positive change. You have an amazing gift. I am so grateful that you opened my eyes and heart.
—Megan, Virginia
During a time in my life when I was experiencing a very large shift and undergoing a massive transformation, Betsy assisted me in connecting with and understanding my own higher guidance. She validated what my higher self had been communicating to me and helped me to relax and ease into this shift. With her help I was able to open and allow instead of being in a state of fear and overwhelm. She did not forget about me when the reading was over and continued to share messages as they came through. The synchronicity of the messages she would share coincided with the messages I was receiving, which gave me further confirmation as to what was taking place in my life. It was absolutely beautiful. I am so grateful and appreciate all your support and guidance. Thank you so much!
—Liz, Nevada
Betsy, I am in AWE of you. You are such a beautiful, open and fluid channel to allow connecting with our deepest knowing. Incredible, Betsy, just so powerful, so beautiful, so deep and so true. It felt like pure gold flowing into me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your focus and energy and openness. I got so much out of our time together!
—MK, Virginia
I was a little nervous to use a medium, if I am going to be honest. Scared and also just a little doubtful. I was referred to you by a very trusted friend and in seeking peace, I moved forward. The result of our reading and all of the evidence and messages that you brought through truly has been peace. I am feeling less heavy and happier as well. The comfort of knowing my mom is better than ok... and she is with my dogs!! Like I said, I have peace, and if I can assure anyone that they need not fear or doubt about taking this avenue as opposed to others that may or may not be working, I would encourage them to use your very special gift.
I went to a lot of therapy, trauma therapy, and this has by far been my greatest source of understanding and peace. I cannot thank you enough for your gift. Just being able to maneuver through my day with peace and not sadness or anger has been amazing.
My mom needed you. She has been waiting 5 1/2 years to have me understand what she was able to share with you. I heard all of of her messages, and I know that nudge from behind has finally started and now I can move forward. She has been in my dreams the past few nights...I did not (maybe once) dream with her in them for the past 5 1/2 years. The morning after the reading in which you had described my mom walking around my room while I sleep and touching or re-arranging small boxes on top of the dresser/nightstand in my room, there was a small click on my nightstand as I woke up. I know it was her. I have a small heart with a very small amount of her ashes on my nightstand. I had the bottom inscribed...My Mother, My Best Friend. I hope she touches this when she visits; I touch it always.
You are a very bright light that helped my mom see me past my darkness, and there were so many other messages there. When she said "had I only known" I know that she meant in this life on earth, she was concerned with things that just didn't matter. I am moving forward with a new approach...a lighter heart and less time and energy on the things that just don't matter. Thank you!!
This may seem strange to you...but I feel like we are friends, connected now through this experience and my mom's messages to us both. I also feel like if we lived near each other or had met through other circumstances that we would be friends. The way you communicate and just your energy is that of someone I would want to hang with :). I bet you get that a lot from thankful people, but in this case I can separate the two and can be thankful for your gift while liking you and your personality separate from that...
I feel as though many people are afraid of what they might hear/feel/discover [when working with a medium]...if I can be a vessel for their comfort in using your fabulous gift, I would love that.
Again, thank you my friend 💜
—Shannon, California
A reading with Betsy is magical. The information and messages are delivered with absolute, unabridged love and comfort. The connection that Betsy taps into is all things beautiful and eternal. It is a showering of love, blessings and comfort that surrounds you and lifts you up. 4 days and days. And days. Absolutely Unforgettable.
—Cindy, Connecticut
You truly have a gift and I really, for the first time in 5 years [since they transitioned], felt like I was interacting with my sister and my niece. Thank you so much again, Betsy. Love to you!—Darla, Virginia
It's extremely hard to find the words to describe the life changing effect a reading with Betsy can have. It has had a profound effect on my individual life - body, mind and spirit - and the extensive ripple effect throughout my family is incredible! It has healed, lifted and bonded us in unexpected ways, and it continues to unfold. I wake up every day ready to live fully, learn and receive!
We have experienced massive "loss" in our family. After readings with Betsy, wounds have healed and communication is restored (it's ongoing!). Hearts, minds and spirits are soaring. The only requirement: openness. If I had only a couple words to describe the experience it would simply be: New Life! I am eternally grateful for Betsy's gift and sweet spirit - and her willingness to share both!
—M. Carrington, Virginia
Betsy, thanks for sharing your thoughts about our work together. I’ve been reflecting on what you said about me “taking the ball and running with it”, and I realize that it’s true in large part because I’ve been 100% committed to my personal and spiritual growth and evolution ever since my law school awakening 25 years ago. It’s been my priority beyond anything else, which has made me feel a bit like I’ve been existing on a parallel plane from the rest the world. Of course, there are intersections, so it’s not entirely parallel... but I’m sure you get what I’m saying. Still, for the past 25 years, I’ve been “feeling” my way through the process, and my feel has gotten pretty good with so many years of practice. But, the room’s been dark and so I’ve been bumping into a lot of things and taking wrong turns here and there.
When I met and started working with you, it’s like somebody turned the lights on! I still have my “feel”, but now, I can also “see”! And, since I’m 100% committed, I can make so much more progress with that additional sense! So, thank you for turning the lights on!!!
—Amy Predmore, Virginia
I can't tell you how much your insight helped me today. I can honestly say that today's one session with you has meant more to me than three months of therapy. I really appreciated your talent, vision and the way you related your insights. Your visuals that you relayed rang true to my life in so many ways, it would take way too long to tell you them all.
But I did just have to tell you that when you mentioned the footsteps or footprints as a sign from my great-grandmother, it really gave me pause. One of the times that I saw her presence was when I left my shoes off in the corner of my painting studio. While I was painting, I caught a reflection of a woman standing inside my shoes. Now I feel so much comfort knowing that it was her.
Also, after a conversation with my mom, I did confirm that mama-ma's (my great-grandmother's) name was Francis. I found it interesting that you mentioned the name Susan as well because I have a recently deceased aunt named Susan. It gives me comfort to think that they might all be together in light.
My sincerest gratitude and thanks,
—Remi, California
Just listened to the podcast - that was incredibly eye opening. I’ve really enjoyed learning SO much from you about who I am, who we are on this earth, and really just creating space in my consciousness to further my understanding of the “bigger picture” items, in a sense. It’s baffling to me that one hour-long conversation with another human can essentially change your life on earth. So thank you (and your guides!) for sharing that insight. This newly awakened side of me wishes the whole world would hear.
Thanks again!
—Madeline, South Carolina
I feel like such a weirdo (maybe that's not the right word) but I have watched that video of our session a million times since Monday. Thank you again for your time. I can not wait to schedule another session with you. I kinda feel like my whole life has shifted a bit since our time together - my perspective on so many things has changed and it has everything to do with knowing that my parents are in such a nice place together, having enjoyed their time with us. Thank you for that peace.
And honestly, if someone ever says to you, “I’d love to speak to a current client before a session to see what it’s like” - do NOT hesitate to have them reach out to me. I’m typically pretty cynical about the unknown in my world and to say that I feel blessed to have spent time with you and my folks in such a loving, graceful manner is an understatement. The peace you have provided to me has been truly life changing, and I don’t throw those words around lightly.
—Colleen, Virginia
Just wanted to let you know that I have not had a single headache since our session! Your precious health insights have been transformational. After we spoke, I started doing a cardio dance workout most days for 30 minutes, followed by an epsom salt bath. Also eliminated caffeine and nuts as per your advice. Already that has made a gigantic difference in my health. So incredibly liberating! Thank you Betsy!!! 💐
—Lucy, Virginia
In 2010, I tragically lost my only daughter. The pain and heartache was beyond immense, and so it was then and there that I decided I would seek out what it meant to communicate with “the other side”. If there was truly a way to connect with my sweet daughter, I had to know how to do it.
Several years of investigating, reading, and asking questions pertaining to the “life after death” topic was at the top of my list, and little by little, along with a needed openness of heart and soul, validity for the assertion that we can indeed speak with our loved ones who have passed, crept in. At first there were occasional signs that came to me by way of others, and vivid dreams that immerged too, but I found myself wanting more -- more connecting ability.
My decision to work with Betsy took hold after a text and some telephone conversations from an acquaintance from my past. She and I were connecting in a serendipitous way; she mentioned a reading she had recently had with Betsy, and I felt tapped on the shoulder to trust and take an action, so I set up an appointment.
My session with Betsy was all that I’d hoped for. I found her to be gentle, kind, professional, knowledgeable and very real as a person. She spent quality time with me, answering all the various questions I had, and most importantly, contacting and speaking to my daughter as a medium, through which my daughter and I could communicate to each other. Her authenticity became clear when she was able to give me information and answers to questions that only my daughter and I would have known. The result -- intense feelings of hope, love, and contentment showered down on me. It was a true balm for my soul.
Due to our appointment which yielded more knowledge, combined with a continued longing to know more and a desire to be able to further develop my own powers of communication across the veil, I was able to recognize an added gift that recently came my way! I’d been writing love letters to my daughter at night, as it had been suggested by my daughter in my reading with Betsy, and I was hoping to receive a real sign/communication from her in return. After several nights of doing so, I gave it a break out of mild frustration, and substituted writing in the journal for watching a random movie I’d chosen to watch with my husband. To my utter surprise, my daughter chose this movie as a way to contact me! Her spirit, intentions, and love came to me through this movie! Not only did this young actress look exactly like my Jennifer so that my eyes would stay glued on her, helping me to pay closer attention, but the daughter in the movie was longing to be able to communicate with her dead mother. My daughter was letting me know in a very specific way (through use of the story details involving interacting energy fields) that, yes, she could be very near me, her energy field actually touching and intertwining with mine, and we could/would be sharing moments in that precise way. The feeling of having been contacted by her was so strong that I could not pass it off as just emotionalism. It felt very real….surreal! Adding to the validation of my experience, at the bottom of the list of movie credits was a caption that read: This movie is based on a real story. This was further confirmation for me that indeed, we do have the ability to communicate with our loved ones on the other side.
—Kelli Samson, New York
If you haven't setup a reading with Betsy, y'all are snoozing and missing out on this AMAZING, gifted, and funny sistah. Betsy, thank you so much! Truly, one of the BEST readings ever…
—Jehan, California