What is important for you to know now is that things will work out, that they are already working out in your favor. You say you can't see it yet. But what if you could--and you can--choose to see it now? You may not be able to understand the whole bigger picture, but you can choose to believe that it is all working out. What if believing is seeing? Yes, it is the reverse of how most humans read the tea leaves. You have to believe it to see it show up in your world. You have to feel it's coming, indeed it is already here, before it ever appears to you. And it's because you believe that it shows up for you. It has to show up within you before it can show up outside of you! You have to BE the peace, the love, the freedom, the joy, and the abundance that you seek before it can manifest on the level of your earthly, or external, experience.
So what do you believe? This is another way of saying: what do you choose? Try this: I choose to be happy. Just for today, I choose peace. Just for tomorrow, I choose joy now. Just for the sake of love, I open my arms wide and en-joy and appreciate what is right here before me, what is right here within me, and what is already beginning to show up around me. Oh, what sweet relief there is in that! What release! Like an echo of your own soul's bright song moving from within you out into the world and coming back again.
I can feel my own peace, I can see my own peace, I know my own peace. I can feel my own joy, I can see my own joy, and I experience my own joy coming back to me right now. It's a boomerang effect. Nothing is truly outside of me. Nothing is truly outside of my ability to know or do or have it. Everything is coming to me at the perfect time, in the perfect way. It is all total perfection. Total de-light (of the light). Total en-joy-ment (joy in the moment). I am living my best life, soaking it all in, delighting in every beautiful, exciting, seemingly uncertain, divinely orchestrated step along the way! How could it possibly be anything less in a world made of love? Oh, what fun! What joy! What mass perfection! What skilled orchestration!
The spider's web shimmers with dew in the morning light. The spider takes one delicate step after the next, relishing in the beauty, the perfection, the splendor of that step, knowing that her next step is always provided for, always established for her, always the source of utter joy and delight as she recognizes and acknowledges the perfection of it all: the inner connectedness, the larger plan, the pure beauty for beauty's sake. Oh, such glory!
*The spider's web is a metaphor my guides utilize regularly to symbolize the unified nature of consciousness and all of creation.